Regular - Golf memberships are for those families whose oldest spouse, or for individuals, who are between the ages of 41 to 71 (65 for members who joined prior to 11/11/2022). Married couples and their immediate family members up through age 26 enjoy full golf and dining privileges. Once a family member turns 26, the children of active golf members may join as a “Legacy” golf member with 1/2 off initiation fee and payment of the requisite monthly dues.
Intermediate – Golf memberships are for those families whose oldest spouse, or for individuals, who are between the ages of 31 to 40. Once this Intermediate golf member turns 41, the monthly dues will convert to the Regular golf level.
Senior – Existing members who joined prior to 11/11/2022: senior golf memberships are available to those families whose oldest spouse is 65, or for individuals who are 65.
- Members who joined on or after 11/11/2022: senior golf memberships are available to those families whose oldest spouse has reached 72 (or for individuals who have reached 72)
Junior- Golf memberships for individuals, who are between the ages of 18 to 30. Once this Junior golf member turns 31, the monthly dues will convert to the Intermediate golf level.
House - House members enjoy dining privileges with the opportunity to add swimming for the requisite annual pool fee. In addition, House members are allowed to play golf weekdays Monday-Thursday only (limited to golf course access twice (2) per month). On Holidays course access is not available. Payment of the requisite greens fee is required. House members may not play as the guest of another golf member on weekends or holidays.
Non-Resident - To qualify for Non-Resident Membership, you may not reside at any time within a 50-mile radius of
the club. Non-Resident members and their families enjoy golf and dining privileges at the club.